Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Wednesday, April 17, 2019 - Sale Creek to Island Cove Marina, mm 477

Today was a really easy day.  We took our time leaving Sale Creek and motored down to Island Cove Marina before noon.  We haven't done much at all this afternoon.  It's pleasantly warm with a breeze...perfect weather for sitting on the back deck or taking a short nap (or both at once!)  Maggie is thrilled to be near land again.  We've already had 2 walks and another will be forthcoming.  

Here are a couple of pictures Wayne took over the past couple of days:

Here we are going down in the Watts Bar Lock

And this shot was taken as we left our anchorage at Little Paint Rock Creek yesterday morning....   Yes, you will see lots more water/sky pics because I can't get enough!