YIKES! We were close to Sewee Creek by that time and decided to just anchor there for a couple of hours (sigh) before making our way up the lake.
Maggie thought we should be more playful during this break and was ready with the ball...
After about an hour and a half we got antsy and decided we should be up there in front of the lock well before the barge job was done. Good thing we did. As it turns out, it only took about 3 hours for the barge to be moved through in sections. We swirled around for about 1/2 hour before the lock doors opened for us and one other PC (pleasure craft) or REC (recreational boat) to go through.
Another long day, but, as I said in the intro, we were rewarded on our last night of anchorage with a beautiful spot.
View as we were leaving Sale Creek on Wednesday....
The following three pictures were taken at the Martin's Light anchorage. They don't do it justice, but still will help us remember the place....
And leaving the anchorage the next morning as the sun rose...
And calm waters for our trip home...